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000-314 V2.73

000-314 V2.73

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000-314 Publisher's Description

Test 000-314 exam dumps Related certifications:

* IBM Certified System Administrator - WebSphere Message Broker V6.1
Section 1 - Planning, Installation and Migration (15%)
1. Plan and design for topology
2. Define requirements for version control
3. Plan the environment and required hardware
4. Install and verify successful installation of WebSphere Message Broker V6.1
Section 2 - Configuration (36%)
1. Implement all supported transport protocols (e.g., MQ, JMS, HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, files, multicast)
2. Define and implement requirements for broker and application databases
3. Create, delete, modify, start and stop configuration managers, brokers and user name servers
4. Connect to Configuration Manager domains
5. Create, delete and modify execution groups
6. Implement Publish/Subscribe such as topics, Access Control Lists (ACLs) and managing subscriptions
Section 3 - Deployment, Administration and Operations (32%)
1. State the capabilities of Configuration Manager Proxy (CMP)
2. Define and write scripts
3. Monitor and query the status of various components
4. Setup WebSphere Message Broker to produce statistical and accounting data
5. Modify the configurable properties of broker archive files
Section 4 - Problem Determination (17%)
1. Implement appropriate problem determination aids
2. Determine message flow behavior with respect to error handling
3. Generate user trace on message flows
4. Cancel all outstanding deploys

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